Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

The monarchial form of government is the oldest form of government in United Kingdom and the most discussed governance across the globe. Initially there was absolute monarchy but with changing times there has also been a change in the monarchy. Today there is constitutional monarchy in U.K. Absolute monarchy means that the power and the authority of the monarch are not restrained or limited by laws. While, Constitutional monarchy is the system of government where the power and authority of the monarch is limited by laws. Once upon a time the Kings and Queens ruled with advice from a council of religious leaders and nobles and had absolute power and dominion not just in United Kingdom but also over other territories which were colonized by the British empire.

Colonies means a particular territory which were under full or partial control of the British Empire. A lot of territories were under the British rule but over a period of time the decolonization i.e., the process of freeing the colonies and granting it independence was witnessed by a lot of countries. One such country is India which was under the British rule but today India is a Sovereign country. It is an independent country and has no external dominion or control of any empire.

With time the existence of the Latin maxim- ‘Rex Non Potest Peccare’ which means ‘The King can do no wrong’ that was widely seen and regarded in England is considered illusionary these days not just in other countries but also in England where the maxim was ardently followed. The legal maxims are short well-known sayings that state a general truth. These maxims are in Latin language. You must have heard proverbs such as time and tide wait for no man, honesty is the best policy etc. similarly legal maxims are short well-known sayings by the Roman Judges which form the pillars on which the entire legal system stands. Many such maxims form the pillars of the legal system but among so many maxims the legal maxim that a King can do no wrong is no longer valid. Though once upon a time this maxim was widely accepted but today it is not even accepted by the people of U.K.

United Kingdom is made up of Northern Ireland and Great Britain which consists of England, Wales and Scotland. Monarchs whether in the past or in the present have been born and brought up within a royal family and they are trained for their future duties and the ones who are close in the line of succession to the throne are always monitored by the press . The British monarch has many State and national duties and the royal family supports the monarch in the State and national duties that are undertaken. The Royal family takes up a lot of responsibilities comprising of charitable and public service and their activities are captured by the press.

The members of the royal family at times represent the monarch at various official engagements where the monarch cannot be present. The working members of the royal family undertake official engagements not just in U.K but also oversees. They also undertake visits and official meetings intended towards strengthening the countries diplomatic ties with rest of the countries. The family members of the royal family meet a lot of people and try understanding the challenges that the people face.

They also support a wide variety of causes relating to healthcare, environment, education, arts etc. Their personal life can have a very great impact on the position that they hold. They are constantly observed by so many people. From their smile to a handshake can become headlines. The British media is always keen to learn more about the lives of the royals. The media attracts a lot of readers and viewers with the royal family content that is shared among the larger masses.

The monarch works for the public and undertakes various charitable services along with hosting many head of the States at the Buckingham Palace. Countless leaders and dignitaries have been welcomed in the Buckingham Palace. This Palace is one of the famous Palaces in the world. The Buckingham Palace at London is the royal residence and administrative headquarters of the British Monarch. It has been a venue for many royal events and ceremonies and is the most renowned Palace.

The British people gather at the Palace for any national rejoicing or mourning or any occasion that involves the royals. A lot of letters and bouquets are placed outside the palace by the people to showcase their love, respect and admiration towards the monarch and the royal family. A lot of national as well as royal celebrations are held at the Palace. The balcony of the Buckingham Palace has marked many appearances of the monarch along with the royal family and people gather to see a glimpse of their most admired royals.

Another famous place in the United Kingdom is the Westminster Abbey. It is a Church in the city of Westminster in London, United Kingdom. It is most renowned and notable religious building. There have been coronations of British monarchs, royal weddings and also royal ceremonial funerals in the Westminster Abbey. There are daily prayers and worship services at the Westminster Abbey which people attend.

The royal family attending any ceremony, event or occasion becomes headlines. The royal household is constantly under the scrutiny of the press. Every gesture of theirs is reported which becomes headlines within seconds. Especially the members who are close to the throne are constantly watched by the press. The royal lineage has seen various ups and downs and witnessed strong criticism from the press and the public.

Abdication which means the act of formally relinquishing monarchial authority also has a major role to play in the succession of monarchies. The term abdication is derived from the Latin term abdicatio which means to renounce. One of the famous abdications was of King Edward VIII of United Kingdom which was due to his intention to marry an American divorcee who had her former husband still alive and according to the law back then this was morally unacceptable.

Abdications have played a major role in the succession procedure of the monarchies. It can also affect the succession to the British throne. One may think that the succession to the throne is regulated only through descent but in United Kingdom it is also regulated through the Parliamentary statute. Abdications generally occur in most extreme and rare circumstances which can at times be either forced or voluntarily. 

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