Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

The Kingdom of Netherlands is a country in Europe. The capital of the country is Amsterdam. The currency of this country is Euro. It has a parliamentary democracy and the government of the country i.e.,the executive branch is subject to parliamentary scrutiny. The Parliament of Netherlands consists of Senate (Upper House) and House of Representatives (Lower House). Netherlands has a bicameral legislative body.

Netherlands as it is commonly called has a constitutional monarch. Constitutional monarchy is the system of government where the power and authority of the monarch is limited by laws. The monarch and the ministers together make up the Parliament of the Kingdom of Netherlands. The laws in Netherlands come into force only after they have been passed by the Parliament and the laws are accordingly implemented for the welfare of the people. Laws are passed in the Parliament of Netherlands. The government along with the individual ministers are accountable and answerable to the Parliament.

A particular legislation can come into force i.e., become effective only after it has been passed by Senate and House of Representatives. As per the Constitution of Netherlands, the Dutch nationality shall be regulated by Act of the Parliament. The members of both the Houses shall be elected through proportional representation within the limits that are laid down by the Act of the Parliament. The elections shall be by secret ballot i.e., the process of voting without disclosure.

Netherlands is famous for its canals, cheese markets, technological advancements and for the use of bicycles for travelling. The country has a lot to offer in terms of nature, culture and traditions.

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