Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

E-waste stands for electronic waste which means the waste that is generated through the electronic devices post its utility. Electronic waste is a modern phenomenon due to the rampant utilization of phones, computers, laptops, air conditioners, televisions, refrigerators etc. These electronic devices that are discarded after its shelf-life is the major contributor of electronic waste. The electronic devices that were once upon a time considered as luxury have taken the place of necessity these days.

Almost majority of the people have no idea about the disposal of cassettes, tape recorders, pagers and the bulky televisions that were used twenty years ago. While some may still have the nineties vintage electronics stored as memories of the old in their attic or cupboard yet many have discarded it as scrap in an unascertained manner being unaware of when, where and how has it been recycled or dumped. 

An electronic device is made up of toxic materials that many are not aware of. The technological advancement has resulted into enormous triggering of toxic and harmful electronic wastes. The rapid changes and development in technology along with hype for better versions of electronic devices has enkindled the rise in utilization of latest electronic devices resulting into thoughtless and reckless disposal of the older versions of those electronic devices. The issue of electronic waste is not only a national concern but it has become a global one as well due to the globalized world that we all live in and the globalized trade that we deal into on a day-to-day basis.

The topic of Electronic Waste is very important as we all use electronics in some form or the other. Today, electronics play an important role in our lives and have become an integral part of our life. So let us learn  more about the subject of e-waste inorder to have a better understanding as to how it impacts us all. A lot needs to be explored when it comes to e-waste as this topic requires keen attention in times when everything is getting digitalized.

Electronic waste is a serious issue as every household has electric gadgets in some form or the other. Some years back the children had only books to refer in order to gather information and libraries to access for a better understanding on a particular subject. These days it is vice versa where students are more inclined towards the electronic gadgets for gathering information. Projects and researches were once upon a time only on paper but today it is replaced with electronics. Life without an electronic gadget almost seems unimaginable.

This has surely reduced one’s dependency on paper resulting into the society heading towards becoming paperless. Electronic waste has its pros and cons. If electronic waste is not handled with care, then it could be dangerous to the human health and the environment while at the same time with a better understanding about electronic waste, there can be employment generation in the society. From the person who collects the electronic waste to the last person who recycles the waste witnesses a source of income being generated for their household. The poor laborers do risk their lives as handling toxic components could have an adverse effect over their health.

As the technological development is fast paced and the price of electronic products is dropping in the market, there is a rampant increase in the discarding of the older electronics without knowing where and how is this waste being disassembled. There is haste among many to switch to new gadgets despite the old being in a working condition. This haste also results in increasing waste when it is disposed without any caution and care. Also, it is very important for every consumer to know and understand the consequence of such rampant dumping of e-waste as this waste is one of the fastest growing wastes across the globe and requires keen attention from each and every one of us who use electronics to make life comfortable and convenient.

When it comes to electronic waste, we have our part to play along with the Government to contribute towards our fellow human beings and the environment. If the rate of disposal exceeds the consumption level before the shelf life of the product ends, there will be huge electronic waste piled up causing a lot of damage to the environment.

There are various companies that have the facility of collecting the electronic waste; some of which are Croma, Samsung etc. These companies collect the electronic scrap and send the scrap in bulk to the agencies that recycle such scrap materials.

While many of the consumers prefer exchanging their scrap there are some who would discard them along with the domestic waste causing more harm to the society. Instead of discarding it along with the domestic waste, it can be handed over to the various agencies that send e-waste in bulk for recycling. If we act cautiously today then we can have a better future. 

These days there is hype for new mobiles, computers, laptops, and various gadgets so that one can be upgraded with the latest technology. Despite having a new electronic device yet the advancement in technology is so fast that the new may seem old really very fast and one may want to change the new gadget in-order to get the upgraded version with better features.

One may want a change but this change may lead to rampant generation of electronic waste especially when it is disposed in an informal manner causing damage to the environment. Thus, let’s be cautious while discarding electronics so that e-waste is managed well and there is not much harmful effect felt over the environment or the one’s who are involved in segregation, dissemination and recycling of electronic waste. 

Some of the ways to tackle E-waste are as follows:

One needs to understand what electronic waste is and also make others aware about the same through word of mouth or through various programs and seminars.

Discarding the electronic device even before the device is non-usable could cause increase in the electronic waste and hence one needs to be alert about the electronics that they discard.

As electronic waste can be hazardous it needs to be discarded in the right manner so that there is no harm caused to the humans as well as the environment.

Various laws that are legislated on e-waste need to be executed and implemented well so that the actual damage or loss to life or environment can be tackled.

There needs to be awareness created at various institutions by adding electronic waste as a topic in the syllabus in-order to make children aware about the importance of E-Waste.

It is very important to discard electronics in the right manner so that the recycling of the electronic device can be done appropriately.

The one’s who are engaged in the unorganized sector need to be made aware about the repercussions that e-waste can have over one’s health. This can be done through proper training and educational sessions.

The e-waste sector can also be an arena that can generate maximum employment as electronics have a particular shelf life and the way in which technology is advancing there is an increase in the discarding of the electronics which if well planned and organized can give rise to ample of employment. 

As electronic waste is one of the fastest growing waste in the world there is also another aspect which is very different from the hazardous aspect of the electronic waste and this aspect is of the opportunity that it creates in terms of employment. As there are vast piles of discarded electronics there needs to be a vast labor force as well who can accordingly recycle the products.

There are ample of stages that the recycling of waste needs to go through and on being well trained through various programs and seminars one can be well equipped to handle such waste. Thus, resulting in huge employment opportunity.

Adequate facilities for refurbishing, recycling and making the product reusable can have good effect over the society and the economy. Having better implementation of laws too can help in enhancing such opportunity and helping the society in reducing the rate of unemployment.

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