Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Due to the rampant generation of electronic waste not just in India but across the globe there is a need to create awareness about the repercussions that the electronic waste has; not just on the human health but also on the ecosystem. An awareness about this topic can bring a drastic change in the minds of the consumers of electronics across the globe. There is a huge consumer base as electronics are widely used not just as luxury but also as a necessity. Here are some of the examples of the global impact and the initiatives that countries as well as various organizations are trying to take in-order to have less impact of the electronic waste that is generated through its vast consumption.

In India, the project undertaken by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) known as the ‘Awareness Programme on Environmental Hazards of Electronic Waste’ under the ‘Digital India’ initiative has got results in terms of creating awareness among many of the stakeholders who use electronics. This initiative was taken by the Government of India for the effective implementation of various laws that have been legislated to curb the adverse impact of electronic waste over the human health and the environment.

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MietY) has played a key role in dissemination of knowledge on e-waste rules in the past. The awareness programme was conducted in many schools in India and the response received from the students across India has been phenomenon. In-order to contribute towards the society and play our part we too need to spread the word among our acquaintances about the various measures that can be adopted to reduce e-waste.

The UNDP which stands for United Nations Development Programme is the global development network of the United Nations. The official website of UNDP has narrated the difference that a single individual who was vigilant about e-waste in Kazakhstan could do in order to combat such perilous electronic waste.

In Kazakhstan a woman who is of two kids set an example that nothing is impossible when one wants to achieve a good cause by strong determination and an ardent execution. Her concern for electronic waste arose when she read a newsletter mentioning the negative impact of such electronic waste on the environment. She chose a sound way to dispose her five old mobiles. Her enlightenment on such a grave issue caused her to advocate electronic waste campaigns by making the rest of the people of her vicinity aware of what electronic waste is and what harmful effect it can have over the society.

In India as well, such initiatives by vigilant individuals of the society can make a major difference. It is the determination for such a cause that can bring a major change. We can write Articles or such issues can be highlighted through advertisements so that many are aware what e-waste is and what impact does it have on our society. It is not only the lack of awareness that has caused the increase in the generation of electronic waste but also the issue which is globally recognized as a serious issue not being taken up seriously by many of its stakeholders has also contributed towards such humongous unchecked destruction of the environment leading to various climatic changes and the worst impact over land, air, water and the entire ecosystem that we all a part of.

According to the International Labour Organization website:

In the Newsroom section of the website, it shows that in a press release dated 17th April, 2019 there was an urgent action call to manage the flood of toxic electronic waste that was produced around the world in-order to convert it into a valuable source of decent work.

During the International Labour Organization meeting in Geneva of the representatives of the Governments along with the organizations of workers and employers there was an agreement by the Governments to- “increase and promote investments in waste management infrastructure and systems at all levels, as appropriate, to manage the rapidly growing flows of e-waste in ways that advance decent work.”

“Workers handling e-waste have no voice, no bargaining power and they are breaking hazardous materials by their hands,” was said by James Towers, the worker vice-chairperson. “Moreover, these workers are unaware of the many risks associated with handling e-waste”. “There is great business opportunity in the e-waste sector”, was said by Patrick Van den Bossche, the employer vice-chairperson, “We need to step up our efforts in creating decent and sustainable jobs, fostering and enabling environment for sustainable enterprises, offering new products and new services, and adding value through enhancing the circular economy”. “In my own country, Nigeria, and in several other African countries, e-waste is littering our landscape,” was said by Aniefiok Etim Essah government vice-chairperson. Yet, he added, “Our youth possesses the creativity and potential for learning skills to manage e-waste, giving us the opportunity to increase youth employment.”

Electronic waste is a serious issue as every household has electric gadgets in some form or the other. Some years back when the children had only books to refer in order to gather information and libraries to access for a better understanding on a particular subject but these days it is vice versa where students are more inclined towards the electronic gadgets for gathering information. Not many would prefer to check the books when with one click every information is available to the students. Projects and researches were once upon a time only on paper but today this has been replaced with online mode and life without an electronic gadget almost seems unimaginable.

This has surely reduced one’s dependency on paper resulting into the society heading towards becoming paperless. Electronic waste has its pros and cons. If not handled with care it could be dangerous to the human health and the environment and at the same time with a better understanding about electronic waste, there can be employment generation in the society. From the person who collects the electronic waste to the last person who recycles the waste witnesses a source of income being generated for their household. The poor laborers do risk their lives as handling toxic components could have an adverse effect over their health. There is also a growing concern as the developed countries dump their e-waste in the developing countries resulting into adverse public health and environmental impact due to the toxics that it contains. Yet, by learning more about e-waste we can make a huge difference in the society. 

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