Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Once upon a time there existed a world without mobiles, refrigerators, air conditioners, laptops, internet etc. Life back then was very different from the life that one lives today. There was a time when there was no WhatsApp, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and various other social media platforms that have made life so different for each and everyone of us. These social media platforms cannot be imagined without the technology that we all are a part of. Today, one needs to know the basics of technology in-order to stay updated with the changing times and trends of the society.

Those were the days when people had pagers, very bulky television sets, landline phones and other devices which were very different from what one uses today. Almost majority of the people have no idea about the disposal of cassettes, tape recorders, pagers and the bulky televisions that were used twenty years ago. While some may still have the nineties vintage electronics stored as memories of the old in their cupboard yet many have discarded it as scrap in an unascertained manner being unaware of when, where and how has it been recycled or dumped. Those equipment’s were very different from the one’s that we have or use today.

One didn’t even know of something like a CCTV camera. Those were times when wrist watches would only show time and temperature but today, we see the enormous progress in technology and the digital world. During those days, study was only restricted to books and libraries. Who would have thought of online classes or work from home culture that we see today!

With time and trend, we have experienced a lot of changes and this change is very quick. Within no time today we have new phones, laptops, refrigerators, microwave, washing machine, smart phones etc. that are being introduced in the market. Technology has not only made one’s life convenient but also very much dependent on it. There was a time when people would note down the phone numbers and addresses in their diaries but gradually with the technological advancement today, we store ample of details in the technologically advanced equipment’s and one need not even bother to memorize phone numbers like the way it was done once upon a time.

Who would have thought that one day with one click we could purchase anything and everything that once required our physical presence. Today we have bank statements which are available online. One can invest, purchase, sell, bargain and undertake ample of activities with just a smartphone which is continuously in use by us all. Today every organization realizes the importance of its social media presence in-order to stay connected with the people.

Today, technology has become an indispensable part of each and everyone of us. Who would have thought that we could see what is happening in different parts of the world by accessing the technology. We can name the country and get to know their culture, language, traditions, recipes etc.

Even the Parliamentary functioning’s that are telecasted live have been a boon to the society. One can access knowledge from any corner of the world. Today, everything is accessible online. Even digital currency is something that was not thought of at one point of time.

Even World Cup which takes places in a particular country can be watched from different part of the world. This is the beauty of technology!

Communication via emails and various other platforms that help one connect to the people in any corner of the world has proved to be a boon for us all. Though we have progressed so much yet there is one thing that we need to keep in mind when we are a part of this digital world that what the resources have given us so far needs to be respected and taken care of in a right manner.

One cannot take this digitalized era for granted because it is a result of immense hard work, research, sacrifice and contribution that has been put in by so many of them. The benefits that we reap today are the result of someone who invested their time, energy, money and various resources to make a change in the world that once people were living in. The scientific research, new technology and the industrial progress has benefitted us all.

Thus, let us be prudent while using the various gadgets to access technology. Electronics need to be handled and discarded with care.

The joy and happiness that we experience on purchasing the electronic gadgets should also make us conscious of the fact that one day we would have to discard it but it needs to be discarded with caution so that we contribute in the best manner to the climate and our society. 

The product is the end result of many stages that it goes through and the labor force that goes into making one single electronic device is beyond one’s understanding.

So let us decide to reduce the generation of e-waste by smartly maintaining the products that we have and at the same time wisely discarding the product when there is no utility of such a  product. With all the progress and the development that we are a part of today, one cannot deny the fact that such progress can somewhere hamper our ecosystem if it is not managed and tackled well. It is we the people of the society who can make a difference by giving the topic of electronic waste equal importance like the way we do to rest of the topics in the society.

Let us all play our part in making the world a better place to live so that our future generations benefit from our little contribution. We get a lot from the nature and it is our duty to give back our best to the nature. We get the best of resources from the nature and it is because of such resources that our life is very convenient. Let us be grateful for whatever we have received by taking care of the resources as prudent utilizers. Nature has given us a lot and now it is our time to give back to the nature!

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