Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

The Constitution of the United States of America is the highest law of the land. The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America is an introduction to this highest law. This Preamble depicts the source of the Constitution through its opening statement: ‘We the people of the United States’

Along with the source of the Constitution the Preamble also mentions the goals or rather objectives of ordaining and establishing the U.S. Constitution.

The objectives are as follows:

  • To form a more perfect Union
  • Establish Justice
  • Insure domestic tranquility
  • Provide for common defense
  • Promote general welfare
  • Secure the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity.

Preamble is a preliminary statement or an introduction to the statute. It is like a preface of what one is about to read. Preamble contains the main aims and objectives of the statute. A preamble enlightens the reader on what the statute is all about. It also helps in understanding the intention of the statute.

The Constitution of India and the Constitution of the United States of America have a Preamble which begin with the words ‘We the People’

These words are very powerful and important words stating that the Constitution is not handed down by any monarch instead it is by the people. The words ‘We the People’ depicts that the source of the Constitution is from the people.

As per the Preamble to the Constitution of India it is the people who adopt, enact and give the Constitution to themselves and as per the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America it is the people who ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America.

This opening statement ‘We the People’ is also very important to remind us that it is the people who give power to the Government so that it can be exercised for the common good. 

Preamble is a preliminary statement or an introduction to the statute. It is like a preface of what one is about to read. The Constitution of India and the Constitution of the United States of America have a Preamble which begin with the words ‘We the People’

The words ‘We the People’ depicts that the source of the Constitution is from the people. This opening statement ‘We the People’ is also very important to remind us that it is the people who give power to the Government so that it can be exercised for the common good.

The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of 50 States. The United States of America unites people of different interests, cultures, backgrounds etc. The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution indicates the purpose of ordaining and establishing the U.S. Constitution and highlights the aim of the Constitution. 

The flag of the United States of America has 50 stars which represent the 50 States of the country. There are also 13 stripes which are red in color with altering white representing the original 13 colonies that sought independence. Though today United States is an independent country but once upon a time there were British colonies in the United States of America. The colonies sought to attain freedom from the British rule.

Colony means a particular territory which is under full or partial political control of another country and there are settlers occupying this particular territory from that country which has a political control over this territory. Thus, the flag of the United States of America is very symbolic. 

September 17th is celebrated as the Constitution Day in the United States of America. The Constitution of America is the supreme law of the land similarly in India too, the Constitution of India is the supreme law of the land.

As per Article III of the U.S. Constitution, the judicial branch comprises of the Supreme Court and other lower courts. This branch interprets the meaning of laws, decides if laws violate the Constitution etc. The Justices of the Supreme Court can overturn unconstitutional laws.

September 17th is celebrated as Constitution Day as well as Citizenship Day in the United States of America. Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17 in the year 1787. The United States of America observes and recognizes the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and those who became U.S. citizens after its recognition and adoption. Thus, it is also known as Citizenship Day.

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