Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

One of the major revenue generating sectors for any country would be their cosmetics industry. Cosmetics have come a long way from its inception of home-made remedies to the entry of artificial intelligence in the cosmetic industry. The history of cosmetics is ancient but the influx of technology in the cosmetic industry is neoteric. The age-old tips on usage of turmeric for glowing skin, cucumber for reducing dark circles, rosewater to clear all impurities of skin, raw milk to prevent blackheads and various other natural ingredients having prettifying values got passed down from generation to generation.

The success of the ingredients in beautifying oneself led to the commercialization of the so-called home remedies. With changing times this grew into one of the largest industries in the world. The attractive colors, aesthetic look of the products, aromatic feel of natural resources and the loyalty along with earnest trust that individuals develop over a period of time towards cosmetics spell binds the consumer psychology. Looking pretty is not the only reason for the universal consumption of cosmetics but being presentable & portraying oneself in a better manner are some of the other reasons for such humongous consumption of cosmetics.

Intelligence was once sought to be in the province of humans but with artificial intelligence grabbing that space it is no longer just the humans who remain inventors. The age-old notion of human tips, advices and suggestions on beauty treatment has become one of a conventional set up in this so-called AI era. The acceptance of AI in the cosmetic industry is on the rise due to the beauty enthusiasts who are adventurous in exploring the cosmetic industry non-conventionally!

The cosmetics industry has impacted the lives of many individuals across the globe in some form or the other. The cosmetic industry is one of the largest and most lucrative industries in the world and the regime of cosmetics majorly revolves around brands which have been mobilized through cross-border transactions. Brands aid in distinguishing the source of one product from another and they also create a strong consumer base.

Brands can be understood as perceptions or expectations that the consumers develop over a period of time. This perception or expectation is majorly developed due to the marketing strategies and the public relations that are established through constant customer care and satisfaction. Brands have the potential to attach consumer feelings & emotions to their products which create trust, loyalty & recognition in the minds of the consumers.

Psychology of consumers is one of the major factors along with product, price, place and promotion of the brands that leads to success of brands. With time and trend the psychology of the consumers too changes and so the brands need to keep themselves updated with what’s liked by the consumers. It is important for the brands to understand what the consumers like and what they dislike. Thus, understanding the psychology of the consumers is one of the major factors that makes a brand connect to its consumers!

As technology evolves there are new opportunities, risks and challenges which evolve with it. Cosmetics industry too has diversified itself by being available to the consumers in markets, stores, retail outlets, medicals and lately also on e-commerce websites. With consumers getting tech-savvy many prefer online shopping as it is more convenient. Also, many discounts and offers that seem lucrative play a major role in influencing consumers to purchase products from various portals.

The online marketing is catching pace with the offline marketing. Adding to this, a cashless society that we look for is quite feasible through online modes and mediums. There is so much of ease in purchasing a lipstick, facewash, facemask, body lotion etc. just through one click within seconds instead of getting ready and going to the stores which is definitely more time consuming than the online purchase. It feels so good to relax and browse through the various products and after various thought processes, the one which is the most appeasing and satisfying product goes in one’s add to cart list.

One of the latest and trending marketing strategies adopted by brands is the social media marketing strategy. Cosmetic brands not only make their presence felt in stores, outlets or malls but every brand is in a race to make its social media presence felt among the consumers. Even those brands that were renowned from the time when there was no internet or computers have recognized the potential of being not just present but also active online. Every brand is connected to its consumers through websites, social media platforms and lately also through various mobile applications which are even more accessible to the consumers. In fact, if a brand lacks its social media presence, then this can also be equated to partially losing the consumer connect.

The cosmetics industry has impacted the lives of many individuals across the globe in some form or the other. The cosmetic industry is one of the largest and most lucrative industries in the world and the regime of cosmetics majorly revolves around brands which have been mobilized through cross-border transactions. Brands aid in distinguishing the source of one product from another and they also create a strong consumer base.

Brands can be understood as perceptions or expectations that the consumers develop over a period of time. This perception or expectation is majorly developed due to the marketing strategies and the public relations that are established through constant customer care and satisfaction. Brands have the potential to attach consumer feelings & emotions to their products which engender trust, loyalty & recognition in the minds of the consumers. Brand is typically perceived through its name, logo, slogan, image, colours, symbols etc.

In India, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare legislated ‘The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940’ and as per S. 3 (aaa) of the Act, ‘Cosmetic’ means any article intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed on or introduced into, or otherwise applied to the human body or any part thereof for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness or altering the appearance and includes any article intended for use as a component of cosmetic. 

Cosmetics would range from lipsticks, shampoo, soap, eyeliner, body lotion, conditioner, moisturizer etc. and the broad definition brings under its ambit a wide range of products which are applied, rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed over a human body. Some of the products have been a part of our life since our birth making the cosmetics industry the most sought-after industry throughout the globe.

Masaba by Nykaa lipstick with the packaging of lemon images and named as Nimbu Pani is a unique and distinguished packaging in itself. The bright blue rectangular cardboard box is quite different as it aids in grabbing consumer attention due to the lemon images printed all over the cardboard. The USB of the brand is the word Nimbu Pani below the packaging which would excite the consumers to give it a try. 

Another unique product of Masaba by Nykaa is the most unheard, seen or imagined – Pataka lipstick and nail enamel. The image of fire cracker over the packaging is an eye catcher. One of the brilliant marketing strategies that one could ever imagine and the entire packaging of cosmetics revolving around flowers and fruits seems like a conventional approach after a unique packaging like this has set the cosmetics industry towards a non-conventional outlook.

These strategies have created a long-lasting impact over the minds of the consumers. Such non-conventional packaging has created a distinctive nexus between brands and consumers. This non-conventional outlook towards cosmetics has a lot more to be explored in the coming days. Such creative and innovative marketing strategies are not only a revolution in the field of marketing but in the cosmetics arena. These strategies depict that the cosmetics arena is upgrading to bring a change and make a huge difference in the Indian market. 

With changing times and trends marketing strategies of cosmetics too need to be upgraded. Environment friendly ingredients have gained more preferences among consumers which has inspired the beauty industry to integrate sustainability as part of their brand strategy. As consumers got aware of animal tests for cosmetics, many of the brands have seen decline in their sales and this has also been a part of some of the brands to market their products by stating that their products are not animal tested.

The diversity in consumers also results in diversified psychologies. Some consumers prefer only natural products, some ayurvedic while some would go for anything irrespective of the ingredients used in the product. A Himalaya Kesar Face Wash for instant glow would induce a consumer having a liking towards 100% natural and safe products. On the other hand, a Lakme ‘Blush and Glow’ Peach burst face wash with soft cleansing beads that bursts a fruity peach fragrance and freshness over one’s face would act as a pitching point for the brand to target the audience who are desirous of exfoliating face wash.

The circulation of fake and duplicate copies of the originals has been in existence since a long time but the major concern in cosmetics is due to the harmful effects of using such duplicate copies. People generally attribute fake medicines to be fatal and stringent regulations are an outcome of such an understanding but when it comes to cosmetics people do take it lightly without being bothered about the repercussions of such purchases. Every cosmetic available cheap out there isn’t safe. Marketing strategies influence the consumers through their discounts, offers and promotion code by psychologically pricing products to enhance their sales but when the manufacturing cost cannot be recovered by brands then why would products at such a throwaway price be offered to the consumers should be the major doubt arising in the minds of the consumers.

It would be right to say that marketing in cosmetics never fails but if the products fail to live up to the expectations of the consumers, then the brand fails. Even though there are domestic as well as international laws yet counterfeit cosmetics are rampantly found in the global markets so let’s try to take steps in-order to curb counterfeit cosmetics. 

Some of the suggestions that I would like to offer pertaining to the cosmetic industry are as follows:

  1. Creating global awareness on what are counterfeit cosmetics and the impact that it can have over one’s health.
  2. Purchasing cosmetics from genuine registered stores.
  3. Stringent laws with better implementation should be the need of the hour.
  4. Timely raids and checks by authorities at places where cosmetics are sold so that there is absolute check on the products that are sold.
  5. Education & Campaigns on fake cosmetics and their health hazards.
  6. Keeping a check over the imports of cosmetics that come within the country.

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