Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

The best thing is to look natural but it takes makeup to look natural- Calvin Klein.

One of the major revenue generating sectors for any country would be their cosmetics industry. Cosmetics have come a long way from its inception of home-made remedies to the entry of artificial intelligence in the cosmetic industry. The history of cosmetics is ancient but the influx of technology in the cosmetic industry is neoteric. The age-old tips on usage of turmeric for glowing skin, cucumber for reducing dark circles, rosewater to clear all impurities of skin, raw milk to prevent blackheads and various other natural ingredients having prettifying values got passed down from generation to generation.

The success of the ingredients in beautifying oneself led to the commercialization of the so-called home remedies. With changing times this grew into one of the largest industries in the world. The attractive colours, aesthetic look of the products, aromatic feel of natural resources and the loyalty along with earnest trust that individuals develop over a period of time towards cosmetics spell binds the consumer psychology.

The cosmetic industry is one of the largest and most lucrative industries in the world. The regime of cosmetics majorly revolves around brands. The age-old notion of cosmetics being gender specific in nature is no longer acceptable after the dawn of gender-neutral augmentation of the cosmetic industry. This stereotype approach of cosmetics being gender specific in nature has proved to be fallacious. Cosmetics have become an inevitable part for many of the consumers irrespective of their gender. From the old advertisement of Vicco turmeric cream which can make one nostalgic of their childhood to the new Fair and Handsome cream there has been tremendous change in the consumer psychology as well as consumption of cosmetics. 

With consumers getting tech-savvy these days there is a huge thrust in the sales of the online platforms. The impact of digitalization over the larger masses is very well understood through the popularity that Nykaa has achieved by its e-commerce presence. It has indeed proved itself to be one of the pioneers in showcasing digital marketing space. A completely digitalized marketing strategy that Nykaa follows is fabulous because this is an unusual strategy which has made Nykaa a multi-brand online retailer the talk of the town.

The online marketing is catching pace with the offline marketing. Adding to this, a cashless society that we look for is quite feasible through online modes and mediums. There is so much of ease in purchasing a lipstick, facewash, facemask, body lotion etc. just through one click within seconds instead of getting ready and going to the stores which is definitely more time consuming than the online purchase. It feels so good to relax and browse through the various products and after various thought processes, the one which is the most appeasing and satisfying product goes in one’s add to cart list.

One of the latest and trending marketing strategies adopted by brands is the social media marketing strategy. Cosmetic brands do not only make their presence felt in stores, outlets or malls but every brand is in a race to make its social media presence felt among the consumers. Even those brands that were renowned from the time when there was no internet or computers have recognized the potential of being not just present but also active online.

Every brand is connected to its consumers through websites, social media platforms and lately also through various mobile applications which are even more accessible to the consumers. Almost all the renowned cosmetic brands are on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. In fact, if a brand lacks its social media presence, then is can also be equated to partially losing the consumer connect.

Some of the other platforms that deal in online multi-brand retailing are Amazon, Flipkart, and Myntra etc. These are some of the most attractive sites not just because of the versatile products that are made available but also because of the lucrative offers and discounts along with jaw-dropping cash back and coupons that are provided exclusively for the online shoppers. The online shoppers have plethora of cosmetics and the traditional form of shopping by visiting the stores and the purchases made post one’s inspection and verification of the product is hardly missed by the generation that has moved on with the non-conventional form of shopping. The Amazon strategy has worked so well that being an Amazon prime member has gripped the consumers and has got them engaging on the platform.

The cosmetics industry has witnessed a digital transformation through various uncontemplated marketing strategies in this seamless transaction having endless beauty. There is a new entrant in these changing trends i.e., counterfeit cosmetics along with fake sites that pose to be genuine sites of cosmetic brands.

Not just brands but also online retailers along with online consumers are at the losing end when counterfeit cosmetic products are offered by third party sellers on various renowned e-commerce platforms. Brands and online retailers have one thing in common to achieve and that is common for the consumer when it comes to brands and online retailers is that once their legit expectations are not met by both of them then the consumers have humongous ways to bring a drop in the goodwill of the brands as well as online retailers.

Many of the online brand loyalist would give it a second thought to purchase their favourite brands from a platform which may not be contemplated authentic by them but not all consumers have such a reasoning along with high purchasing power multi-brand online retailers on the other hand offer the most expensive brands at such huge discounts which at times are not even offered by the brand stores. This is one of the major reasons for consumers who do not have such purchasing power to be induced by such heavy discounts without even a slightest of qualm about the quality of the products. Thus, as online platforms have opened their doors for various cosmetic brands to reach among the consumers. There has been an unwanted entry of counterfeits which has passively crept into the online market in these changing times and trends. 


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