Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

E-waste stands for electronic waste which means the waste that is generated through the electronic devices post its shelf life i.e., after the usefulness of the electronic product is over. Electronic waste is a modern phenomenon due to the rampant utilization of products such as phones, computers, laptops, air conditioners, televisions, refrigerators etc. 

These products today have become a necessity and imagining life without a phone is next to impossible. E-waste is a major issue that is inescapable by its stakeholders and it requires keen attention towards recycling. The electronic devices are a mixture of precious as well as harmful and hazardous components. We all use the products but not many are aware as to what happens after we discard the electronics that were once used by us.

The products that form such an integral part of our lives suddenly one fine day are not in a position to provide the kind of utility that it once provided us and we feel that it’s time to replace it but what happens to the waste that we discard is something that I have wanted to explore. This quest of mine to learn about electronic waste has further enhanced my understanding towards this rampant and fastest growing waste of our times.

Silver, copper, gold etc. form part of expensive electronic devices, there are also components such as lead, beryllium, cadmium etc. that are toxic in nature and if not recycled in an appropriate manner could result into several disastrous effects in the society. In a developing country like India, most of the electronic scrap lands up in the informal sector for its recycling where there is least consideration towards health and environment. The susceptible group of women and children are generally employed in such informal sectors posing a great threat to their lives due to the hazardous and toxic materials that they are exposed to on a daily basis. The lack of facilities, equipment’s and safeguards available to the informal sector has resulted into release of toxic and hazardous materials in the atmosphere causing air, water and soil pollution. The outcome of such unregulated practices is faced by the innocent, naive and the uneducated.

E-waste is the fastest growing waste not just in India but across the globe and requires serious attention. As the technological development is fast paced and the price of electronic products is dropping in the market, there is a rampant increase in the discarding of the older electronics without knowing where and how is this waste disassembled. Thus, E-waste is one of the fastest growing wastes across the globe and requires keen attention!

With the change in time, one has seen the increasing dependency on electronics and also on the technology that we are a part of. Today, if we forget our phone at home; we face ample of hardships causing us to regret as to why did we forget the phone at home. Convenience to work from anywhere or study from anywhere is the gift of technology to us.

Can one imagine a day without electronics? The way it has formed an integral part of our lives we may surely stay away from electronics for some time but absolutely giving up on all the electronic devices is a very big sacrifice considering the fact that how electronics are used for one’s convenience and comfort.

There is a huge dependency on electronics in our social and economic life. When it’s such an integral part of our life then why not value it and try using it till it reaches its shelf life so that we do not further contribute towards the ever-increasing waste in the form of e-waste.

Life with gadgets has made our lives very comfortable and convenient. Today we use social media platforms not just to connect with people around us but also for various other purposes. We are in a world of technology where internet is an integral part of our lives. Electronics have made our lives very convenient in almost every aspect. Today we can order clothes, food, books, furniture etc. just with a click on our smartphones.

There is also another world which is very different from us all. A world of people who still have no access to internet. Theirs is a world without electronics. That world of theirs is very different yet it is none the less a life connected to the nature. It is a life where nature plays an important role by being an integral part of their life. With everything basic and simple they yet manage to be happy and content. Different is their world from ours but yet despite having everything in this world of ours their world seems more peaceful and joyful!

The issue of electronic waste is a contemporary issue and requires serious attention. There is an urgent need to create awareness about electronic waste and the laws that are existing to curb electronic waste. There is a surge in the consumption of electronics despite there being no urgent need to dispose of the older electronics.

The E-waste issue is not just a national issue but it is a global issue and the repercussions are felt by all. Since we all use electronics, we all need to understand the global impact of discarding electronics.

Creating awareness about the same will help us all to utilize the resources available to us in an appropriate manner. Including this topic in the curriculum will make a vast difference in the approach that one has towards the electronics and their disposal.

Sharing various articles, texts and forwards that you receive on electronic waste will help in creating awareness on this topic. We can endeavour to reduce the adverse effect of the polluting technologies on the environment and health. Environment friendly management of e-waste can make a drastic change and lead us towards sustainable development of resources. It is not just the planning and awareness which is important but it is also required that such plans are executed and implemented at the right time and in a right manner. Execution plays a vital role when it comes to planning.

Though electronic waste is a huge challenge today but our efforts can help us tackle this challenge. One of the biggest challenges that we face is the fact that electronic waste is the fastest growing waste in our society and the execution and implementation too cannot be prolonged or delayed. We need to be quick and spontaneous in responding to this issue which is on a rise. We can be determined to create awareness and see the change that is required while tackling the electronic waste issue. This is the need of the hour.

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