Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

The progress and development of technology in the past few years has been so humongous that digital technology forms an integral part of each and every individual. It is quite astonishing that the technological advancements which were once dependent on the intellect of the individuals are no longer showing that dependency.

The cosmetics industry is one such field where the machines have grabbed the space of human intellectuals. The technological advancement is completely reshaping the way in which the cosmetics industry functions. The cosmetics industry has witnessed revolutionary changes over the past few years due to the augmentation of AI. The impact of AI on the cosmetics industry is boundless because the beauty industry has seen tremendous changes through the influx of technology which offers personalised solutions in a jiffy.

Can machines understand beauty? This question has been answered by brands that have made AI a part of their strategic approach in expanding the consumer base for their products.

The integration of AI with cosmetics is rampantly and widely being accepted throughout the globe. It has always been perceived that the cosmetic industry gives a make-over to the society but through the advancement of AI, the cosmetics industry is receiving a make-over!

The cosmetics industry is witnessing a transformation like never before. AI is one such entrant in the cosmetics industry that has brought forth ground-breaking results to the stakeholders of the beauty industry. The major reason for accepting AI in the cosmetics industry is due to the ease and convenience experienced by the people at large.

The dilemma of choosing the right product among the tons of brands those are around the consumers; could be a tedious task but AI has emerged as a solution to the major problems that the consumers encounter in their day-to-day life. AI is available to the customers 24×7 resulting into the most convenient form of beauty entrant designed to ease and personalise one’s cosmetics experience.

What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is known as AI in short. As per Merriam Webster, Artificial Intelligence is defined as: 1. A branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behaviour in computers. 2. The capacity of a machine to imitate intelligent human behaviour.

These days AI technology has caught the market. Every sector feels the need of AI technology to catch pace with the changing times and trends. The progress and development of technology in the past few years has been so humongous that digital technology forms an integral part of each and every individual. It is quite astonishing that the technological advancements which were once dependent on the intellect of the individuals are no longer showing that dependency.

Can AI emerge as an inventor of something novel and useful in the cosmetics industry? Yes, it can!

Philyra, named after the Greek goddess of fragrance which was developed by IBM researchers and Symrise which is one of the major producers of flavours and fragrances, uses machine learning in-order to sort through enormous fragrance formulas, ingredients and industry trends resulting into untried combinations that invent new fragrances. Symrise perfumers used Philyra to design two fragrances for innovative Brazilian cosmetics company ‘O Boticario’ and indeed, now perfumers can have an AI apprentice by their side helping them to design fragrances even faster than ever thought.

AI forms an integral part in all of the major operating systems that use the latest technology in various applications. Editing one’s own image in the form of virtual reality is one of the boons witnessed in the AI era.

AI as an entrant in the cosmetics industry is no doubt a matchless experience. Flaws in AI have been witnessed through the various errors & blunders committed by AI but who would bear the liability is the most debated question of our times. The Indian law is yet to crystalize this paradox on whether the AI itself or the inventor of an AI should be held liable.

Another mind-boggling question among the thinkers concerns the Patent holder of an invention invented by an AI. If an AI invents something then whether AI or the inventor of that AI should be the patent holder is a question that has bothered many.  This question has emerged as a novel challenge to the non-conventional I.P framework. The new wave of AI being an inventor has posed a serious question before I.P administrators concerning who should be named as the Patent holder- whether AI or the inventor of an AI?

We are a part of an AI driven world and crystalizing legal framework will ensure that the gap between law and technology is not exacerbated. As technology is evolving at a greater speed there is a need for I.P laws & policies to catch pace with the swiftly evolving technology.

There were two patent applications that were filed seeking to claim AI as the true and first inventor of an invention. Dabus, an AI that was sought to be named as an inventor in both of the patent applications. Dabus had designed a plastic food container and flashing beacon lights. The major reason for rejecting the patent application was because the inventor designated in the application must be a human and not a machine.

The EPO (European Patent Office) stated: “Machines do not have legal personality and cannot own property. Accordingly, a machine cannot have a family name and given names, as required for designating an inventor by rule 19(1) of the European Patent Convention (EPC). Moreover, a machine cannot own rights to an invention and cannot transfer them within an employment relationship … or by succession.”

The importance of AI in cosmetics industry can be specially felt during the times of social distancing due to COVID 19. The temporary suspension of all the operations that were undertaken at various cosmetic stores not just affected the brands but also the consumers. The lockdown measures taken by various Governments of the world surely affected some sectors of the cosmetics industry while some have seen a surge in many of the products such as soaps, sanitizers, hand wash etc. The pandemic has negatively impacted many of the cosmetics industry workers whereas on the other hand it has positively impacted the sales of some of the products that enhance one’s hygiene and also the brands which use AI and the consumers who avail this AI facility. 

Some of the suggestions put forth are aimed towards striking a balance of convenience between various stakeholders in the cosmetics industry in this A.I. era:

  1. India needs to have better infrastructure with the latest technology to develop the A.I. regime in cosmetics.
  2. Awareness needs to be created on social media platforms concerning A.I. in the cosmetic industry.
  3. Expert courses on A.I. in cosmetics need to be arranged for interested participants.
  4. Law needs to upgrade itself as per the A.I era.
  5. Laws need to be implemented to tackle any issues relating to A.I.

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