Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Argentina has a federal, republican and representative form of government which is established through the Constitution of the nation. Argentina is officially known as Argentine Republic having the three branches of government namely : The Legislative, The Executive and The Judiciary. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.

Argentina has a federal structure. The head of the State and the Government is the President. As per the Constitution, the legislative power of the Nation is vested in Congress which is a bicameral legislature comprising of two Houses namely: One of Deputies of the Nation and the other of Senators for the provinces and for the City of Buenos Aires.

As per the Constitution, the judicial power of the Nation shall be vested in the Supreme Court and in such other lower Courts as the Congress may constitute.

In simple words Constitution means the primary or fundamental principles according to which the State, the Government and other institutions are regulated and governed. Some of the countries have Basic Law which contains all the features of the Constitution but it is termed as Basic Law and it is from this Basic Law that all other laws are derived. Basic Law contains the primary and fundamental principles that regulate the State. E.g., Germany has Basic Law.

The Argentine Nation has a Constitution and there is a Preamble to the Constitution of the Argentine Nation. As per the Constitution, the Argentine Nation adopts federal, republican and representative form of Government.

The Constitution of Argentina contains various rights, declarations and guarantees pertaining to justice, common defense, general welfare and liberty. The Constitution also contains the powers, duties and responsibilities of the three branches of government namely:

The Legislature, The Executive and The Judiciary.  

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